Kathleen Bradley Redd

Kathleen Bradley Redd
Actress/Producer/Supermodel/Talk Show Host/Author/Entrepreneur Kathleen Bradley Redd made history as the first Black Model to join ranks with Barker's Beauties in the fall of 1990, on the Emmy Award Winning daytime game show, "The Price Is Right" for 10 years. In 2014 Kathleen wrote and released her book, an intimate glimpse of her tell-all memoir "Backstage at The Price is Right: Memoirs of a Barker Beauty"!
She shares the title of CEO with husband Terrence Redd, Energy Engineer of The R Group, LLC Energy & Consulting Services, family owned and operated business for over 30 years. www.TheRGroupllc.com OUR MISSION: We are committed to delivering effective energy engineering solutions, environmental energy and sustainability consulting services that provide cost-effective, energy savings and regulatory compliance thus optimizing facility operations.
She is an avid golfer, boasting a 16 handicap and has hosted and played in well over 200 hundred charitable Celebrity golf tournaments. She has joined forces for many years with her fellow celebrities, football/basketball ledges, politicians, and prominent businessmen/women where she has contributed her time and celebrity to help support worthy causes in fundraising such as: Pat Boone’s Celebrity Golf Classic, to benefit Ryan’s Reach which provides support and offers programs and services for Traumatic Brain Injury victims and their families; H.B. Barnum’s Adopt-A-Senior Foundation; Jim Brown’s AMER-I-CAN FOUNDATION; Cedric “The Entertainer” Kyles Foundation in support of the American Diabetes Association and Boys & Girls Club of America; Fred “the Hammer” Williamson’s Wounded Warriors Foundation; Stephen Bishop’s “RAKE” Random Acts of Kindness Everywhere; Smokey Robinson’s golf Invitational in support of The Midnight Mission; Union Mission golf Classic; and many more.
Her love of bowling and her tireless efforts has led her to introduce/make people aware of the importance for 2 of her favorite charities: Balls O’ Fire Celebrity Bowling Tournament Foothill AIDS Project which is the primary provider of HIV/AIDS support services. And for her Best Friend Kiki Sheppard’s The K.I.S. Foundation Celebrity Bowling Classic to raise awareness of Sickle Cell Disease.
In 2019 She was honored in her hometown of Girard, Ohio by the Mayor with Kathleen Bradley Day for her numerous achievements in the Entertainment Industry. She was also honored in 2018, with the Lottie B. Wilson award in recognition for her exemplary services and support of the Omega Memorial Golf Tournament and Scholarship Fundraiser. She was also honored in December 2011, at the 18th Annual Greater Palm Springs Celebrity Golf Classic, benefiting Palm Springs Youth Charities, which also paid tribute to the men and women in the United States Armed Services, specifically the Navy Seals.
Ms. Bradley Redd is a wonderful humanitarian and an outstanding role model for our nation’s youth, due to her diligent efforts and five years of dedicated service as Producer/Teen Talent Coordinator of Project Peace-16 Multi-Media & Human Services, Inc. This program focuses on educating youth of all races on the importance of human dignity, education, equal opportunity, and social-economic advancement.
Kathleen is a Spokesperson and philanthropist for The Jonathan Foundation for Children with Learning Disabilities. The Jonathan Foundation has been instrumental in advocating the IEP process for Kathleen’s now 15-year-old grandson, Kingyari who has Down syndrome in his special need’s classes for over 10 years.
Kathleen portrayed one of the most memorable characters in the hit feature film, “Friday” as Mrs. Parker. Her musical and theatrical body of work encompasses far too much to mention. Kathleen continues to work, star and co-star in TV series, Feature Films, Commercials and National print ads.