Apply For Assessments

Without all supporting required documents the application will not be considered.
The Jonathan Foundation (“TJF”) maintains affiliations with numerous proficient psychological educational assessors who have expressed their willingness to furnish assessments at a discounted rate. While TJF remains open to the consideration of all potential assessors, we retain the prerogative to select the assessor of choice and to establish the pricing for each assessment. Given the constraints of finite resources, TJF exercises prudence regarding assessment costs, yet this discretion is exercised in tandem with our commitment to funding a substantial number of assessments.
(must have an existing IEP)
This disclaimer serves to communicate TJF’s position on assessor selection, pricing determination, and resource allocation pertaining to assessments.
Apply for Assessments
Important Note: While decisions regarding the approval/denial of scholarship applications generally will be made within 30 business days, The Jonathan Foundation, Inc. (“TJF”) may require additional information to be submitted in order for us to make such decisions. If additional information is needed, TJF may need to extend the time frame by which it will provide applicants with a decision.